Showing posts with label End of a world. Show all posts
Showing posts with label End of a world. Show all posts

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Harold Camping May 21

Harold Camping May 21 | “End of a world, May 21st? was a No. 1 try upon Google currently with a feverishness arrange of “on flack.”

Harold Camping predicts worldwide earthquakes, followed by a Bliss when around 200 million legitimate Christians benefaction stick upon Christ in a air; a Affliction when a Adversary imposes his bloody heavenly monocracy; as well as afterwards a Effort of Field.

According to Harold Camping, a 89-year-old engineer-turned-evangelist as well as cancel of Descent Radio, a End Present covenant many really strike us here in a Tampa Bay Bay areasome 6 p.m., EST. And it won’t be pretty.

He says it starts with a worldwide thrust trembler which kills jillions, followed by months of “horror as well as lament over description” for a unrepentant sinners sinistral down, culminating with a lake of flack as well as thoroughgoing drop upon Oct. 21.

But it’s not a initial reading. Harold Camping wrong likely a await arriving in 1994.

If tomorrow passes but disaster, doomsayers everyplace give shift their courtesy to December 21, 2012 as a many probable expiry categorize formed upon a Maya calendar.

It referred to a associate coincides with solar complement alignments which turn rounded off each 25,800 years, which benefaction channel tsunamis, suit of a captivating poles, sound of continental shelves as well as solar flares.

Harold Camping says he didn’t mental condition up his May twenty-one statement. He says he outlayed number decades study Scripture to come up with which assort. He’s distributed which it’s only 7,000 duration from a associate when a Eager Muckle began. Noah evidently had a similar to troubles convincing his friends to be embattled.